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Soil Moisture sensor with Arduino in Tinkercad | how to use soil moisture sensor in Tinkercad

  Soil Moisture sensor with Arduino in Tinkercad | how to use soil moisture sensor in Tinkercad Circuit diagram: Arduino Sketch: // C++ code // int moisture_data = 0; void setup() {   pinMode(A0, INPUT);   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(12, OUTPUT);   pinMode(6, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   moisture_data = analogRead(A0);   Serial.println(moisture_data);   if (moisture_data < 21) {     digitalWrite(12, HIGH);     digitalWrite(6, HIGH);   } else {     digitalWrite(12, LOW);     digitalWrite(6, LOW);   }   delay(10); // Delay a little bit to improve simulation performance }

Interfacing of force sensor (FSR)with an Arduino in tinkercad

Interfacing of force sensor (FSR)with an Arduino in tinkercad 

In this project we will be interfacing the Force sensor or force sensing resistor (FSR) to the Arduino Uno. Also, we have interface three different LEDs with Arduino.

in this tutorial you will learn how the force sensor works and how to interface with Arduino in tinkercad. The force is use to detect the pressure, amount of weight applied on the sensor, there are many applications of force sensor like it is used in electronic drum, gaming devices, industrial electronics etc. These sensors are good for measuring pressure but not highly accurate for measuring the weight.

Circuit Diagram:

Components Required:

§  Arduino UNO

§  Force sensor

§  Resistor-01

§  Red LED

§  Yellow LED

§  Blue LED

§  Connecting wires


The hardware a part of this project is quite simple and easy to place together. First of all, make the connections for the force sensor with the Arduino. The connections for the force sensor with the Arduino given in the above circuit diagram.

The force sensor we used here has size 2 inch. force sensor has two pins one is connected to the GND pin of an Arduino and another pin is connected to the digital pin of an Arduino using the voltage divider across this pin.

Connect the one terminal of force sensor to the GND of an Arduino.

Connect the other terminal of FSR to resistor for creating the voltage divider.

Connect the voltage divider output is connected to the analog input pin A0 of an Arduino.

Connect the red LED anode pin to digital pin 5.

Connect the yellow LED anode pin to digital pin 4.

Connect the blue LED anode pin to digital pin 3.

Connect the cathode pin of all LEDs to the GND pin of an Arduino.

FSR Overview

Force Sensor also known as Force Sensing Resistors (FSRs). These sensors are cheaper compare to others and easy-to-interface with the microcontroller.

The kind of technology is used by FSRs has been patented by Interlink Electronics.  There are two common types of FSR available FSR-402 and FSR-406, in market you will find the two different size and shape FSR pictures given below.

Two kinds of FSR based on shape one is a circular and another one is rectangular sensing area. Rectangular FSR used to sense the large area, while small circular sensors are used sense small

area with good accuracy. 

How FSR Works?

 FSR is a kind of variable resistor whose value depends upon the pressure applied to the sensor.

When there is little pressure or no pressure, then sensor gives the high resistance output. Harder you apply the pressure on the sensor, lower the resistance value you get, and as soon as you remove the pressure it will get back to its original value that is high resistance.

How to take reading of an FSR?

We can easily read the FSR by creating the voltage divider across the FSR. For crating voltage divider, we will connect fix value resistor (10kΩ) to one terminal of an FSR. After that connect the fixed value resistor and the variable FSR resistor to the analog input pin of an Arduino that is pin A0. This is how creating voltage divider we can able to read the variable voltage output.

Working of project:

As per the circuit diagram, the output voltage of the FRR is connected to the analog input pin A0 of an Arduino. FSR  gives the Analog output when it is pressed. The output of the FSR  is stored in variable named forcesense. Three LEDs are connected to the digital pin 5,4,3 respectively.

This circuit operates in three mode

When the very little force is applied on the sensor then blue LED will turn on. is low it will turn on the green LED.

When the applied force is in between high and low the yellow LED will turn on.

When the very high force is applied on the sensor then red will turn on.

Code Explanation (Block Based):

First of all, we create a variable named forcesense to store the sensor value . For declare the variable click on the variable block and create a variable, see the below picture..

After declaring the variable drag out the set block and set it to the read analog pin A0.

Take out the serial monitor block to print the sensor value on the screen

Let’s use the main conditional statement of the program that is ‘if’ block

first if statement block:

In this if block we will use the less than “<” comparison operator.


 If the FSR value is less than 30 then pin 5 will be and pin no 4 and pin no 3 will be Low. This will make blue LED to turn on and other two LEDs will turn off this indicates the low pressure applied.

Second if statement block:

In this, if block we will use the three different operators two comparison operator that is less than “<” comparison operator and “>” greater than comparison operator and last the logical operator that is “&&” (and) operator


 If the applied force value is less than 220 and also If the applied force value is greater than 90 then pin 4 will be high and pin no 5 and pin no 3 will be Low. This will make yellow LED turn on and other two LEDs will turn off this indicates the medium range force is applied on FSR.

Third if statement block:

In this, if block we will use the three different operators two comparison operator that is less than “<” comparison operator and “>” greater than comparison operator and last the logical operator that is “&&” (and) operator.


 If the applied force value is less than 1023 and also If the applied force is greater than 220 then pin 3 will be high and pin no 5 and pin no 4 will be Low. This will make the red LED turn on and the other two LEDs will turn off this indicates the high force applied on the FSR.

[ Note:The logical operators return TRUE or FALSE, which are defined as 1 and 0, respectively, logical operators use where needs to make the decision based on multiple conditions.

&& is the logical and operator: it returns a true value only when if both the conditions are true and returns a false value when both the conditions are false]

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 Arduino Sketch :

forcesense = 0;


void setup()


  pinMode(A0, INPUT);



  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);



void loop()


  forcesense = analogRead(A0);


  if (forcesense < 30) {

    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(4, LOW);

    digitalWrite(3, LOW);


  if (forcesense > 90 && forcesense < 220) {

    digitalWrite(5, LOW);

    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(3, LOW);


  if (forcesense > 220 && forcesense < 1023) {

    digitalWrite(5, LOW);

    digitalWrite(4, LOW);

    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);


  delay(10); // Delay a little bit to improve simulation performance



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