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Soil Moisture sensor with Arduino in Tinkercad | how to use soil moisture sensor in Tinkercad

  Soil Moisture sensor with Arduino in Tinkercad | how to use soil moisture sensor in Tinkercad Circuit diagram: Arduino Sketch: // C++ code // int moisture_data = 0; void setup() {   pinMode(A0, INPUT);   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(12, OUTPUT);   pinMode(6, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   moisture_data = analogRead(A0);   Serial.println(moisture_data);   if (moisture_data < 21) {     digitalWrite(12, HIGH);     digitalWrite(6, HIGH);   } else {     digitalWrite(12, LOW);     digitalWrite(6, LOW);   }   delay(10); // Delay a little bit to improve simulation performance }

Interfacing Seven segment display with Arduino in tinkercad


Interfacing Seven segment display with Arduino

In this project, we will interface seven segment display with an Arduino

For various application in day-to-day life, we need display to show the values and much more things, and there is no point to use expensive OLED and LCDs available in the market. Then what is the solution for this so we are having less expensive display and that is a simple seven-segment display. It is mainly use to display the numbers and some alphabets. Seven segment display has 7 LEDs which are arranged in the shape of 8. See the image below.

Circuit Diagram:

Components Required:

§  Arduino UNO

§  Seven Segment Display

§  Resistors -02

§  Connecting wires



The hardware a part of this project looks quite messy but if we go step by step its simple and easy to place together. First of all, we make the connections for the 7-segment display with the Arduino. The connections for 7-segments with the Arduino given in the above circuit diagram and below table.

7 segment display has 5 pins on upper side and 5 pins on downside.

Total 7-segment that is a,b,c,d,e,f,g see the picture below

Types of 7-segment display: there are two types of display available in market that is common anode and common cathode. In this tutorial we are using the common anode type of display.

There is bit difference in both the displays as their name suggest that the common cathode type of display has all the cathodes of the 7-segments connected at one place. And same for the common anode type of display the anodes of the 7-segments connected at one place.

1.    The Common Cathode displays.

 In the common cathode type of display, all the cathode connects together to logic “0” or GND. The individual segments are turned on using “HIGH”, or logic “1”.

The Common Anode displays

 In the common anode type of display, all the anode terminals connected together to logic “1”. The individual segments are turned on using the, logic “0” or “LOW” digital signal.


In this tutorial we are using common anode type of display.

Seven segment pins

Arduino pins

Wire Color


























Common pin 3 & 8


Connected using


Pin no 3 & 8 connected to the +5V through resistor.

For displaying the numbers coding explanation.

Case 1: to display “0”

For displaying 1 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  a,b,c,d,e,f segment “g” turned off

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0”

Case 2: to display “1”

For displaying 0 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment b,c turn on and other segment turn off a,d,e,f,g

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” b and c is connected to the 3 & 4 respectively make it low to turn on.

Case 3: To display “2”

For displaying 2 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,b,g,e,d turn on and other segment turn off c,f

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,b,g,e,d is connected to the 2,3,8,6,5 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 4: to display “3”

For displaying 3 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,b,g,c,d turn on and other segment turn off e,f

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,b,g,c,d is connected to the 2,3,8,4,5 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 5: to display “4”

For displaying 4 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment f,g,b,c turn on and other segment turn off a,e,d

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins f,g,b,c is connected to the 7,8,3,4 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 6: To display “5”

For displaying 5 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,f,g,c,d turn on and other segment turn off b,e

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,f,g,c,d is connected to the 2,7,8,4,5 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 7: To display “6”

For displaying 6 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,f,g,e,c,d turn on and other segment turn off b

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,f,g,e,c,d is connected to the 2,7,8,4,6,5 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 8: To display “7”

For displaying 7 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,b,c turn on and other segment turn off d,e,f,g

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,b,c is connected to the 2,3,4 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 9: To display “8”

For displaying 8 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,b,c,d,ef,g, turn on

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,b,c ,d,e,f is connected to the 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 respectively make it low to turn on and give the delay of 1 sec.

Case 10: To display “9”

For displaying 9 on the 7-segment display we need to turn on following segments

Ø  segment a,b,g,f,c,d turn on and e should turn off

As we are using the common anode type of display, to turn on each segment we need to make the digital pins low or logic “0” pins a,b,g,f,c,d is connected to the 2,3,8,7,4,5 respectively make it low to turn on ,digital pin 9 is connected to the decimal point of the seven segment display make it low to turn on  and give the delay of 1 sec

Watch the Working Video:

Arduino Sketch:

void setup()


  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);



void loop()


  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  digitalWrite(9, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)


digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

  digitalWrite(2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  digitalWrite(5, LOW);

  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(7, LOW);

  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  digitalWrite(9, LOW);

  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)


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